Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) op RHEL/CentOS 7/8 opsetzen

Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) ass eng Open Source, kollaborativ Plattform fir E-Mail Server, entwéckelt an zwou Editiounen, Open Source Editioun (Free) an Network Edition (Paid), déi Servicer wéi LDAP, SMTP, POP an IMAP, Webmail Client ubitt. , Kalenner, Aufgaben, Antivirus, Antispam an anerer.

Dësen Tutorial beschreift wéi Dir Zimbra Collaboration Suite Open Source Edition op engem CentOS/RHEL 7 Server installéiert.

  • En externen DNS-Server mat béiden A an MX gëltege Rekorder fir op Är Zimbra Mail Server IP Adress ze weisen.
  • Eng propper minimal Installatioun vu RHEL 7 ouni E-Mail, Datenbanken, LDAP-, DNS- oder Http-Server op a lafen.
  • Eng statesch IP Adress, déi un engem Netzwierkinterface zougewisen ass.

Schrëtt 1: System Packagen installéieren

1. Ier mer mam Zimbra Collaboration Suite Installatiounsprozess virgoen, loggt Iech als éischt op Är Serverkonsole mat Root Privilegien un an installéiert déi folgend Packagen:

# yum -y install unzip net-tools sysstat openssh-clients perl-core libaio nmap-ncat libstdc++.so.6

2. Als nächst gitt getenforce Kommando fir ze kontrolléieren ob Selinux op Ärer Maschinn aktivéiert ass. Am Fall wou d'Politik op Enforced gesat ass, deaktivéiert se andeems Dir déi folgend Kommandoen ausgëtt:

# getenforce
# setenforce 0
# getenforce

Fir Selinux op CentOS komplett auszeschalten, öffnen /etc/selinux/config Datei mat engem Texteditor a setzt d'Linn SELINUX op deaktivéiert.

3. Vergewëssert Iech datt wget System Utility och op Ärem System installéiert ass andeems Dir de folgende Kommando ausgitt:

# yum install wget 

Schrëtt 2: System Hostnumm konfiguréieren

4. Fir datt Zimbra korrekt funktionnéiert, musst Dir de lokalen Maschinn Hostnumm a FQDN setzen fir op Är Server IP Adress ze weisen andeems Dir déi ënnen Hostnamectl Befehle vum Root Account ausféiert:

# hostnamectl set-hostname mail
# echo "  mail.centos7.lan  mail " >> /etc/hosts
# cat /etc/hosts

Ersetzen de System Hostnumm an FQDN Wäerter deementspriechend fir Är eegen Domain Astellungen ze passen. Test den Hostnumm a FQDN Wäerter andeems Dir de Ping Kommando géint béid Opzeechnungen ausginn.

# ping -c1 mail.centos7.lan
# ping -c1 mail

Schrëtt 3: Füügt eng statesch IP Adress

5. Wann Äre Server eng DHCP dynamesch IP Adress benotzt, da musst Dir Är Netzwierk Interface Kaart änneren an konfiguréieren fir eng statesch IP Adress ze benotzen. Kritt d'Netzwierk-Interface-Informatioun mam ip addr Kommando an identifizéieren Äre Server externen NIC (normalerweis eppes wéi enp0s3 oder eth0).

# ip addr

Dann, fuert den nmtui-edit Kommando géint den Interface deen Dir braucht fir Astellungen z'änneren an d'Interface mat enger manueller IP Adress ze ginn. Benotzt déi ënnescht Screenshots als Guide.

# nmtui-edit enp0s3

Schrëtt 4: Onerwënscht Servicer auszeschalten

6. A CentOS Default Installatioun Schëffer mat postfix Daemon schonn installéiert a Lafen. Fir de Postfix Service auszeschalten an ze läschen lafen déi folgend Kommandoen:

# systemctl stop postfix
# systemctl disable postfix
# yum remove postfix

Nodeems de Service ewechgeholl gouf, gitt de ss Kommando eraus fir ze kontrolléieren ob aner Daemonen inkompatibel mam Zimbra Service, wéi LDAP, httpd, Dovecot op Ärem System lafen. Wann dat de Fall ass, huelt se och ewech.

Schrëtt 5: Zimbra Collaboration Suite Open Source Edition installéieren

7. Elo ass et Zäit Zimbra Collaboration Suite z'installéieren. Gitt op wget Kommando:

----------------- For RHEL/CentOS 8 -----------------
# wget https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.8.15_GA/zcs-8.8.15_GA_3953.RHEL8_64.20200629025823.tgz

----------------- For RHEL/CentOS 7 -----------------
# wget https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.8.15_GA/zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL7_64.20190918004220.tgz

----------------- For RHEL/CentOS 6 -----------------
# wget https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.8.15_GA/zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL6_64.20190918004220.tgz

8. Nodeems den Download fäerdeg ass, benotzt de Kommando unzip fir den Archiv ze extrahéieren, gitt Zimbra extrahéiert Verzeichnis a lëscht de Verzeichnis Inhalt fir d'Installateursdatei ze fannen.

# tar xfz zcs-8.8.15_GA_3953.RHEL8_64.20200629025823.tgz
# cd zcs-8.8.15_GA_3953.RHEL8_64.20200629025823/
# ls

9. Elo starten den Zimbra Installatiounsprozess andeems Dir d'Installateur Skriptdatei mam Numm install.sh lancéiert.

No enger Serie vu Systemkontrolle freet den Installateur Iech d'Lizenz ze akzeptéieren. Accord mat der Lizenz (y) fir weider mam Installatiounsprozess weiderzemaachen.

# ./install.sh
# ./install.sh --platform-override   [On different platforms other than RHEL]
Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.92OcKO6s
Checking for existing installation...
    zimbra-drive...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-imapd...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-patch...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-mta-patch...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-proxy-patch...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-license-tools...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-license-extension...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-network-store...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-network-modules-ng...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-chat...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-talk...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-ldap...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-logger...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-mta...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-dnscache...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-snmp...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-store...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-apache...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-spell...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-convertd...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-memcached...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-proxy...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-archiving...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-core...NOT FOUND


License Terms for this Zimbra Collaboration Suite Software:

Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] y

10. Als nächst wäert den Installatiounsprozess Iech eng Rei vu Froen stellen fir den Zimbra Daemon richteg ze konfiguréieren. Benotzt d'Installatiounsextrakt hei ënnen fir den Zimbra Service weider opzestellen.

Use Zimbra's package repository [Y] y

Importing Zimbra GPG key

Configuring package repository

Checking for installable packages

Found zimbra-core (local)
Found zimbra-ldap (local)
Found zimbra-logger (local)
Found zimbra-mta (local)
Found zimbra-dnscache (local)
Found zimbra-snmp (local)
Found zimbra-store (local)
Found zimbra-apache (local)
Found zimbra-spell (local)
Found zimbra-memcached (repo)
Found zimbra-proxy (local)
Found zimbra-drive (repo)
Found zimbra-imapd (local)
Found zimbra-patch (repo)
Found zimbra-mta-patch (repo)
Found zimbra-proxy-patch (repo)

Select the packages to install

Install zimbra-ldap [Y] y

11. Als nächst wäert et Iech froen d'Zimbra Packagen z'installéieren, dréckt Y fir alles z'installéieren.

Select the packages to install

Install zimbra-ldap [Y] y Install zimbra-logger [Y] y Install zimbra-mta [Y] y Install zimbra-dnscache [Y] y Install zimbra-snmp [Y] y Install zimbra-store [Y] y Install zimbra-apache [Y] y Install zimbra-spell [Y] y Install zimbra-memcached [Y] y Install zimbra-proxy [Y] y Checking required space for zimbra-core Checking space for zimbra-store Checking required packages for zimbra-store zimbra-store package check complete. Installing: zimbra-core zimbra-ldap zimbra-logger zimbra-mta zimbra-dnscache zimbra-snmp zimbra-store zimbra-apache zimbra-spell zimbra-memcached zimbra-proxy zimbra-drive zimbra-imapd zimbra-patch zimbra-mta-patch zimbra-proxy-patch zimbra-chat

12. Endlech wäert et den Zimbra Installatiounsprozess starten.

The system will be modified.  Continue? [N] y

Beginning Installation - see /tmp/install.log.92OcKO6s for details...

                          zimbra-core-components will be downloaded and installed.
                          zimbra-common-core-jar will be installed.
                         zimbra-common-core-libs will be installed.
                         zimbra-common-mbox-conf will be installed.
                   zimbra-common-mbox-conf-attrs will be installed.
                    zimbra-common-mbox-conf-msgs will be installed.
                  zimbra-common-mbox-conf-rights will be installed.
                           zimbra-common-mbox-db will be installed.
                         zimbra-common-mbox-docs will be installed.
                   zimbra-common-mbox-native-lib will be installed.
                            zimbra-timezone-data will be installed.
                                     zimbra-core will be installed.
                          zimbra-ldap-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                     zimbra-ldap will be installed.
                                   zimbra-logger will be installed.
                           zimbra-mta-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                      zimbra-mta will be installed.
                      zimbra-dnscache-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                 zimbra-dnscache will be installed.
                          zimbra-snmp-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                     zimbra-snmp will be installed.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:56 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                       zimbra-jetty-distribution will be downloaded and installed.
                         zimbra-store-components will be downloaded and installed.
                   zimbra-mbox-admin-console-war will be installed.
                                zimbra-mbox-conf will be installed.
                                 zimbra-mbox-war will be installed.
                             zimbra-mbox-service will be installed.
                          zimbra-mbox-store-libs will be installed.
                       zimbra-mbox-webclient-war will be installed.
                                    zimbra-store will be installed.
                        zimbra-apache-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                   zimbra-apache will be installed.
                         zimbra-spell-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                    zimbra-spell will be installed.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:07 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                                zimbra-memcached will be downloaded and installed.
                         zimbra-proxy-components will be downloaded and installed.
                                    zimbra-proxy will be installed.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:18 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                                    zimbra-drive will be downloaded and installed (later).
                                    zimbra-imapd will be installed.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:20 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                                    zimbra-patch will be downloaded and installed (later).
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:22 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                                zimbra-mta-patch will be downloaded and installed (later).
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:23 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                              zimbra-proxy-patch will be downloaded and installed (later).
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:27 ago on Sat 01 Aug 2020 01:56:00 AM EDT.
                                     zimbra-chat will be downloaded and installed (later).

Downloading packages (11):

Removing /opt/zimbra
Removing zimbra crontab entry...done.
Cleaning up zimbra init scripts...done.
Cleaning up /etc/security/limits.conf...done.

Finished removing Zimbra Collaboration Server.

Installing repo packages (11):

13. Store Configuratioun.

1) Status:                                  Enabled
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes
   3) Admin user to create:                    [email 
** 4) Admin Password                           UNSET
   5) Anti-virus quarantine user:              [email 
   6) Enable automated spam training:          yes
   7) Spam training user:                      [email 
   8) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             [email 
   9) SMTP host:                               mail.centos7.lan
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    8080
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   8443
  12) Web server mode:                         https
  13) IMAP server port:                        7143
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    7993
  15) POP server port:                         7110
  16) POP server SSL port:                     7995
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://mail.centos7.lan:7780/aspell.php
  19) Enable version update checks:            TRUE
  20) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE
  21) Version update notification email:       [email 
  22) Version update source email:             admin[email 
  23) Install mailstore (service webapp):      yes
  24) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4 # Select 4 to set admin password Password for [email  (min 6 characters): [54mE0RmqN] enter admin password here
Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes
   3) Admin user to create:                    [email 
   4) Admin Password                           set
   5) Anti-virus quarantine user:              [email 
   6) Enable automated spam training:          yes
   7) Spam training user:                      [email 
   8) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             [email 
   9) SMTP host:                               mail.centos7.lan
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    8080
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   8443
  12) Web server mode:                         https
  13) IMAP server port:                        7143
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    7993
  15) POP server port:                         7110
  16) POP server SSL port:                     7995
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://mail.centos7.lan:7780/aspell.php
  19) Enable version update checks:            TRUE
  20) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE
  21) Version update notification email:       [email 
  22) Version update source email:             [email 
  23) Install mailstore (service webapp):      yes
  24) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r
Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:
   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled
   3) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled
   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled
   5) zimbra-dnscache:                         Enabled
   6) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled
   7) zimbra-store:                            Enabled
   8) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled
   9) zimbra-proxy:                            Enabled
  10) Default Class of Service Configuration:
   s) Save config to file
   x) Expand menu
   q) Quit

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a  # Apply configuration Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] Enter Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.11047] Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.11047...done. The system will be modified - continue? [No] yes Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup01262016-002704.log Setting local config values...done. Initializing core config...Setting up CA...done. Deploying CA to /opt/zimbra/conf/ca ...done. Creating SSL zimbra-store certificate...done. Creating new zimbra-ldap SSL certificate...done. Creating new zimbra-mta SSL certificate...done. Creating new zimbra-proxy SSL certificate...done. Installing mailboxd SSL certificates...done. Installing MTA SSL certificates...done. Installing LDAP SSL certificate...done. Installing Proxy SSL certificate...done. Initializing ldap...done. Setting replication password...done. Setting Postfix password...done. Setting amavis password...done. Setting nginx password...done. Setting BES searcher password...done. Creating server entry for mail.centos7.lan...done. Setting Zimbra IP Mode...done. Saving CA in ldap ...done. Saving SSL Certificate in ldap ...done. Setting spell check URL...done. Setting service ports on mail.centos7.lan...done. Setting zimbraFeatureTasksEnabled=TRUE...done. Setting zimbraFeatureBriefcasesEnabled=TRUE...done. Setting Master DNS IP address(es)...done. Setting DNS cache tcp lookup preference...done. Setting DNS cache udp lookup preference...done. Setting DNS tcp upstream preference...done. Setting TimeZone Preference...done. Initializing mta config...done. Setting services on mail.centos7.lan...done. Adding mail.centos7.lan to zimbraMailHostPool in default COS...done. Creating domain mail.centos7.lan...done. Setting default domain name...done. Creating domain mail.centos7.lan...already exists. Creating admin account [email  Creating root alias...done. Creating postmaster alias...done. Creating user [email  Creating user [email  Creating user [email  Setting spam training and Anti-virus quarantine accounts...done. Initializing store sql database...done. Setting zimbraSmtpHostname for mail.centos7.lan...done. Configuring SNMP...done. Setting up syslog.conf...done. Starting servers...done. Installing common zimlets... com_zimbra_adminversioncheck...done. com_zimbra_attachcontacts...done. com_zimbra_attachmail...done. com_zimbra_bulkprovision...done. com_zimbra_cert_manager...done. com_zimbra_clientuploader...done. com_zimbra_date...done. com_zimbra_email...done. com_zimbra_mailarchive...done. com_zimbra_phone...done. com_zimbra_proxy_config...done. com_zimbra_srchhighlighter...done. com_zimbra_tooltip...done. com_zimbra_url...done. com_zimbra_viewmail...done. com_zimbra_webex...done. com_zimbra_ymemoticons...done. Finished installing common zimlets. Restarting mailboxd...done. Creating galsync account for default domain...done. You have the option of notifying Zimbra of your installation. This helps us to track the uptake of the Zimbra Collaboration Server. The only information that will be transmitted is: The VERSION of zcs installed (8.6.0_GA_1153_RHEL7_64) The ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS created ([email ) Notify Zimbra of your installation? [Yes] no Notification skipped Setting up zimbra crontab...done. Moving /tmp/zmsetup01262016-002704.log to /opt/zimbra/log Configuration complete - press return to exit # Press Enter

Schrëtt 6: Zimba Initial Configuration

14. Nodeems d'Installatioun fäerdeg ass, öffnen e Webbrowser a navigéiert op Ären Domain Numm oder IP Adress vun der Maschinn déi Zimbra Service leeft, um Hafen 7071 iwwer HTTPS Protokoll, akzeptéiert den Zertifika Sécherheetsfehler, a loggt Iech mat den Umeldungsinformatiounen un, déi während dem Installatiounsprozess konfiguréiert sinn. . De Standard Benotzernumm fir den Zimbra Admin Web Panel ass admin.


15. Wann Dir an der Admin Webkonsole ageloggt sidd, kënnt Dir ufänken Är eege SSL Certificaten ze addéieren, Mailkonten erstellen, Mail Aliasen, a sou weider. Denkt drun datt den Hafen 7071 nëmme fir administrativ Aufgaben benotzt gëtt.

D'Clientë kënne sech sécher op hir Webmailboxen aloggen mat dem Domain Numm oder der Server IP Adress iwwer HTTPS Protokoll.


Gratulatioun! Elo hutt Dir e komplette Betribsmail Stack op Äre Raimlechkeeten installéiert.

Schrëtt 6: Zimbra erofhuelen oder z'installéieren

Wann Dir den Zimbra Service niewent senge Komponenten deinstalléiere wëllt, lafen den Installateur Skript mat der -u Optioun.

# ./install.sh -u

Fir Zimbra Installatiounsarchiv a Verzeechnes ze läschen, lafen déi folgend Kommandoen:

# cd
# rm -rf zcs-*

Als lescht Notiz, fir d'Zimbra Collaboration Suite richteg ze lafen, braucht Dir eng mächteg Maschinn mat engem Minimum Ufuerderung vu 4GB RAM.